Fri 03 Jan
❶HaVe SuM FuN ╚»【TRY ME 】██▬█❶▀█▀ (CuTiE ) FrEaK •✴Ѽ ✴ViSiTiNG ★1000%ReAL PiCS★╚»CLiCK HERE! - 23
come let me full feel all your dreams! !!!!!!! out call only - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland westside Cleveland)
*** NEW TO TOWN *** sexy , INDEPENDENT 🌞Sun-Kissed Babe // Let me show yoy A GOOD TIME 😘 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland (incalls only))
LaST AD *GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn *BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 great REVIEWS 8@/12@ specials) - 28
(Cleveland, UpScaLe..WeSt INCALL @irport middbrg)
L°_E _°T°_° S° ► ( LAST NiTE 1OOSPECiALS )◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° - 21
£¤¤K NѼW! 12O §P¢¡@£ @V@¡£@B£! ¤N K¡nK¥ 6¡R£ 8O @§@P §P¢¡@£! @FTRN¤¤N ¤R@£/M¤V¡ §P¢¡@£! - 25
(Cleveland, (440)3961853; in/ out; Cleveland Heights)
█ — ❤ —█ ❤ EXTREMELY-- HOTT❤ █ —❤ — █ - $peCiaL'$█ — ❤ —█ ❤ EXTREMELY-- HOTT❤ █ —❤ — █ - - 22
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Willoughby Area)
★ EBONY Thick College Girl !!!! ★ Loves TO HAVE FUN!!!! - 22
(Beachwood, willoughby willoughby hills)
[×°x°×SuPeR BAD-×°x°×] SuPeR WeT/ TiGHT [×°x°×JUICeY ASS×° x°×] iCAN PLZ U WITH MY HANDS TIED - 21
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 20
¥uM ¥uM ø [ £iK€ §uGa® ₪ Øn ¥øUr ₪ †øNGu€ ] ø §w€€† ø €¥€ ©ÅND¥ ø §P€©i£§ - 20
(Cleveland, ❀Westside InCaLl OnLy ❀)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ]$pecial$ ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E ★ - - 22
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Willoughby Area)
Upscale Luscious Exotic Beauty ... Hot, Ready and Always Aiming to Please! Great Reviews! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
B*I*G butt, SLIM body & GREAT Mouth, U want? ((CLICK HERE)& CALL now Day/Night - - 18
(Cleveland, BEACHWOOD incall/outcall)
Bored in Cleveland?... Looking for fun?... Small discount for first time clients all night - 20
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS)
;Brand NeW SExY ViXEn!!~Best Body On the Planet♥!! - }AVAIL.NOW - 21
(Cleveland, airport /middleburg heights)
☆ uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγDαtε ☆ ➓ ☆➓ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ★100%REAL★ 💋 - 20
(Cleveland, My Place or Yours)
50💧🍇💦😻💧💦( tgif )🍇😻💧😻💧💦🍇 put me on your to do list. 50 specials in Lorain /out Cleveland West 💧😻🍇💧😻🍇💧💦 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County In/out 💦🍇 💦50 special)
♥ °° N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.Y °° ♥ °° O.R °° ♥ °° N.I.C.E °° ♥ ( NEW) - 19
[[8*0 $pEc!aLs]]°o[ *SM0K!N H0T Ex0t!C M!XeD Eb0nY bEaUtY* ]°o[[100%ReaL DeaL*]]°o [#1 P!CK*BOYS] - 24
(EaSt &WeSt; OuTCaLL~BeAcHWooD ArEa InCaLL)
-:¦:- T-H-E -:¦:- B-E-S-T (70Ro$e $pecial)-:¦:- U E-V-E-R -:¦:- H-A-D -:¦:- - 21
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Beachwood Area)
still celebrating new years, call jenna, firecrackers, noise makers, horn , loud noises and more - 27
(West side Cleveland)
(( ♥ ♥ £βON¥ βLOND£♥ ♥ )) (( ♥ ♥ K¡NK¥ βUNN¥ ♥ ♥ )) :: :: (( ♥ ♥ 100% FR£αK ♥ ♥ )) - 20
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
New To Town * ♡ Come Escape To Paradise ♡ * CalL NoW!!!! - 19
(Cleveland, Beechwood upscale location)
** New to Bp!!**WhiTE ChOcoLate** TWo sexy flavors $$ ComE And Taste OuR $noW Cone - 19
(Cleveland, Euclid Ave,eastside cleveland)
*** * R E L E A S E _ U r S e L f * !!!!! *** Call mE iF U neEd SoMe!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rican gueen! Upscale companion$ upscablocation$ for upscale gentlemen - 21
(Cincinnati, Downtown)
i"M tHe BeSt To EvEr Do iT CrEaM IS BaCk=$80 sPeCiAlS - 23
(Cleveland, westside incalls/outcalls available)
★【☆I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ☆ F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】★【JuiCy LiPs】★【 SiMpℓy* THE * BeSt* 】★【SeXi incall】 - 27
(Cleveland, ★@IRPORT❀°@RE@☆ 24HR INCALLS ONLY)
I'm More Fun Than The Rest..Why? Because I Don't Have Many Restrictions - 30
(Cleveland, Near E. 200 and Euclid)
IM NEW IN TOWN SO IM GIVING OUT TESTERS call me now im ready 313 523 3899 - 19
🍒Gm DaDdY]😘SwEEt As CaNdY🍒🍯(TigHt) AND (StiCkY) HoNeY PoT🍯💖JuiCy SmaCkaBle A§s💖♨ Specials😘 - - 23
(Cleveland, ➡In call ⛅⬅Broadway ave💋)
CUM guess what color my panties are!!! ----- I'M A SUPER NAUGHTY LITTLE PLAYFUL FREAK - 23
(King of Prussia)
Busty Upscale Ebony Vixen ... I'll do ANYTHING to please you. I'm A real treat - 28
(Cleveland, WEST)
★.• BLACK FRIDAY ████████████████ While She's Away Shopping... •.★. - 28
BoYs PLAY WiTh TOYS and MeN PlAy WiTh THIS... CoME and TrY oUt MY SMiLe ;-) - 26
(Cleveland, OUTCALL)
All that you can eat💋 bubble booty white girl 💋 Visiting Cleveland 💋breathtaking blondie 💋 - 22
(Cleveland, Air port upscale location)
✦° ▲ ° ✦ ALL NATURAL ✦ ° ▲ °✦ IN/OUT EARLY SPECIAL ✦° ▲ °✦ 38Double Dd's ✦° ▲° ✦ - 21
(Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY)
☸ (◕◡◕) ☸ {{ ALL NIGHT LONG SPECIALS }} ——— {{ NEW INCALL SPECI@LS!!! }} ☸ (◔◡◔) ☸ - 28
(Cleveland, ✉NORTHFIELD✉ ☵♋ I-271 ♋☵ INCALL/OUTCALL!)
All. ........ D@Y ;........ H.@.R.D. .........ON ; B¡g BOOTY. F@TT. JU!CY KitteN. CutE FacE. 60/90 - 22
♥ NEW GIRLS ♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Special Rates!!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥ Don't miss out! ♥ - 19
(incall or outcall)
*♥* ( ( SpEc!@Ls ) ) :::: @v@!L@bLe aLL n!GhT :::: ( ( GrE@t R@tEs ) ) *♥* FREAKY?? - 21
♥ (((AvA!LaBlE aLL DaY))) ________ [GORGEOUS] ________ (((GrEaT RaTeS))) ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
216-496-1687 EARLY MORNING SPECIALS!!! ...... Sexy lightskin Ask for Bluii 💙💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg hts oh)
((44 G BUST)) Exotic Mix - 323 207 5990 REFRAIN FROM TEXT! - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain co / Elyria Incall/Out)
4'11 blonde hair blue eyes 110 lbs! Sitting by the phone NOW!! Call me :) T.G.I.F. - 28
(Amherst Ohio)
$ 100 $pecial$ ! [ Fre@kY FriDayS ] ¤1OO% SeXy & Fre@kY _ ReVieweD _$ 100 sPeCiaLs aLL dAy !! - 21
("*MenTor AreA_24HRS*")
2 girls, more Fun! Gorgeous Bombshells Were Waiting for you!! - 21
(Cleveland, Shaker Hts INCALL/OUTCALL)
120 roses special *** NEW petite BABY DOLL******** TIA ******* 216*956*8100 - 19
(cleveland eastside right off 480)
Looking for one special Lady who really wants to change her life. - 39
(Cleveland, Cleveland / Ohio)
Male or Female Independent escorts- ages 18 - 65 quality screened clients available - 35
(Cleveland, Ohio)