Fri 03 Jan
*♡♥sWeEt SEXY BloNdE!!! ;-)**♥♡ ♥**All DaY SPEcIALS!! *♡*♥♡*in/oR Outcalls all day***♥♡♥ -. 8. - 21
(Louisville, ...Call Me 502-208-8929)
Newly Arrived ~~ Asian Sweet & Petite Treats @669-222-0266 -- INCALL ONLY - 25
(San Mateo, San Mateo/Foster City/Peninsula Area)
lil thickness (Doing incalls & car visits only..60qv.. - 29
(Louisville, Louisville-hurstbourne-east end)
{{{♥LeT Me UPGraDe U♥}}} SUPeR SKiLLeD★, MiXeD , 100% INDePeNDeNT!! Da BaDDeST SeXi SeXi MaMi♥♡♥}}} - 24
(Louisville, All Areas....)
Jacuzzi Room - $$ Hot Girl - $ Having the night of your life - PRICELESS - 25
★BaDDesT BlOnDe @RoUnD★ DayToNa BeAch IiFe SiZe BaRBiE ViSiTinG...xoXO - 24
(Louisville, Airport Area. louisville ky)
(Bella) beafitful,sexy, Latina available all night and early m 100% real pics or session is free!!! - 22
(Louisville, Dixie hwy`)
▒ ╠╣OT █▒ NEW PICS▒▒█ ♥S—E— X—Y ♥█▒ TALL █▒ BLONDE █▒ BOMBSHELL █▒ 100%Real New Pics - - 22
(Cincinnati, Mason oh kings island downtown as we'll)
New Cali girl in town never seen snow hot and bothered deluxe holiday special - 21
(Dayton, Dayton,Natti,Columbus,I75,I35,I675,I70)
©@$HE®E B@©K Bye ¶O¶U£@® D3M@Nd$ 7607990447 NEw P!C 8/26/2013 NeW C@!! Me XOXOXO MU@H - 23
------- Pure ------- PLEASURES ---------- Outcalls ------ To ------ You ------ - 22
come to my home relax with me anderson / eastgate area - 29
(Cincinnati, anderson/eastgate cincy ohio)
💯✔come spend your day off with me n have some fun 👈👈👅💋INCALL SPECIAL 📞🔥💥✴�💯guaranteed ✔👌👈 - 24
LOOK------❥NEW PICS-----❥Sexy Caramel Skin DIVA-❥--SOFTEST GRIPP--❥SOFTEST BOOTY 859-382-0131 - 22
(Lexington, Your Place Or Mine)
**Beautiful, Blue Eyes, Busty Brunette!** Awesome Reviews!** Come Fine Our for Yourself!** - 24
(Lexington, Richmond ♥ Exit 87)
Hey Gentlemen are you looking for two Exotic Beauties to spend time with!!!! - 22
(Lexington, Lexington KY)
xtreme specials®FoRGET THE REsT °•☆• BEAUTiFUL FRoM ToP To BoTToM •° i'M THE BEST ★°859-533-7235 - 21
(Lexington, Lexington, Ky.)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, everywhere)
♡♥♡♥ ATTENTION ♥♡♥♡ bOOtylious lovers Im Here!!! Exit 41 - 24
(Lexington, London Exit 41 Trucker Friendly)
❤❤looking to have fun ..look no furthering!!! New in town..home alone, and new to the scene!!!❤❤ - 29
(Lexington, Richmond)
mindblowing absolutely orgasmatic cock suckin wet hot mouth cumm in my mouth - 32
(Jeffersonville ky 40337, Lexington)
New in town❤️ Come get it❤️ ❤️ - 22
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Western Kentucky, ❤️ ❤️)
NEW IN LEX-----Its All About You BABY!!! call now 208-371-6042 - 21
(Lexington, In & Outcalls (Trucker Friendly))
New In Town💕 SeXy & T!GHT 💗YoUnG -N- TENDER💗) : ( 💋FREAKY👅💦 ) :Available: ( ♥I'M READY For You!!!❤ - 20
(Lexington, Lexington/AroundCities)
💗 M A K E 💗 A ___ D A T E 💗 W I T H 💗 P E R F E C T I O N 💗 W E L L ___ R E V I E W E D ) - 26
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, in/out, Lexington, Louisville, Western Kentucky)
Nice Bubble. Azz. FRESH tatas....NEED I SAY MORE???? Click HereClick HereClick HereClick - 25
(Incall exit 110, Lexington)
💙Mixed Barbie 💘Young&Tight;&Slippery;💦 Up all night& 💜ready for fun!!🍒 - 25
(Lexington, Lexington ky)
Naughty angel next door. Early morning special in 80hh... 8599516916 - 25
(Lexington, Winchester Rd.)
♡Linsey#1♥ #1FREAK ♥ i☆lⓞvⓔ☆♡WhAt☆ I ☆ÐO 🍆🍆♥☜☞⇨Blonde&§W€€† § H €AV€N ☆BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL - 24
(Lexington, exit 113 in or out)
New Girl in town! Call the sexy seductive Lacey @ (859)582-2119! ***50$ Special today only!!!*** - 21
(Lexington, Richmond incall only)
NEW PICS!!!! Destiny and Onyx!! Available ALL day and night. Check us out. One or both ;) - 28
(Lexington, Incall/outcall lex and surrounding areas)
♡■♡ luSciOus liPz ♡■♡ iNcall/ oUt available ♡■♡ fuLfill Your fAntAsiEz ♡■♡ - 32
(Louisville, East Louisville)