Mon 27 Jan
Sexy👙 Bombshell 🌍 SWEET🍭& VERY Addictive READY TO PLAY - 22
(Louisville, Elizabethtown Radcliff Ft Knox)
((VISITING NOW)) 🎥 100% ReAl ShEMaLe 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.... TS SOFIA' ® ThE plAyMatE YoU aLwAyS WanTeD - 25
(Cleveland, Parma ohio /upcale area)
●█▀█▄●█▀█▄ ●█ Today Arrival! ❤Hot Japanese Model❤I Want U&I; Need U❤Nuru ▄█▀█●▄█▀█●▄█▀█● 347-3456656 - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Framingham/Natick/Waltham/Newton, Incall)
💋💎~/**JADE**\$$Tip TOP of the Line FELLAS$$💋💎 ask about the QV special - 25
(louisville, Fort knox/ louisville)
Tara🍒 22👄 Platinum Blonde💁 Green Eyes👁 ALL Pictures A - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcalls Only)
Yes Sir Th@ts me!!! ) *Ph@t C@t + This @zzz M@n I'm @mazing @186308 - 19
(Cleveland, 480 West of Cleveland)
💋 💎Curvy Asian Goddess •°• S€×¥ & SW€€T•°•{Let's have us a good time} CALL NOW!!!!📞📞 - 26
🌟🌟🌟 Let's make our own firework show!!! 🌟🌟🌟
(Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, everywhere, Macon, Northwest Georgia, Savannah, Statesboro, Valdosta)
👌👌💎💎Total Package!!! 💋💋💋DESSA Outcalls & Incalls!!!! - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown Area Incalls & Outcalls)
THE PERFECT PACKAGE ♥ •:*¨¨*:• ♥ :•:New UpScale SeXy Playmate•. ♥ •:*¨¨*:• ♥ SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL - - 22
(Northern Virginia, WOodBriDge -InCallS ONly)
2 GIRL spzls 👭CheliBella 🍧38DD🍒 Long Dark Hair 🍬Great Reviews 🍰In/out🍑 - 31
(east area 24/7🌜🌞 in/out, Louisville)
2 girl specials!! you can see us together,or apart!!! limited time/ in or outcall - 28
(Lexington, Lexington and surrounding areas)
2 girls in from Florida . True bombshells look like model 💯% real or money back - 18
(Louisville, Hurstbourne lane)
ThIcK ♥o° CuRvY °o♥o° BIG °o♥o° BoOtY °o♥o° $80 spc°o♥ - 19
(Cleveland, AnYwHeRe YoU ArE.... OUTCALL ONLY)
❤ThiCk Juicy ChocOlate FreaKy TreAt❤ReAdy to please Now CUrVy LovErs - 22
(Northern Virginia, alexandria-arlington outCALLS)
💯THE REAL DEAL💯... Soft👄 N 👅JUIcEY LIP MAssAGE.AVA after 8AM👅🍌🙊🍫 - 23
(AVAILABLE after 8AM, Cleveland)
*** Sexy PETITE Exotic EBONY *** (Visiting the area) NON-Rush, WEEKEND Specials also! - 20
(I'm doing Incalls in Norfolk!)
2 for 1 ௵ *-* DOUBLE TROUBLE blonde cutie & brunette beauty -----> Totally READY - 22
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E_ - 28
🌹🌹Naughty 🌹young mistress🌺enjoy dirty things your wife won't do!!! - 20
(South Shore, Randolph Incalls Only))
★ ★Limited Time Only ★ ★L✪✪K➜H✪T★☞((❤ CuTiE❤)) ☞ ★★ ➜❤SuPeR SeXXY)★ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
❤❤ New Face SILKY TOUCH ❤ 21 Guranteed Asian College Girl ❤ Very Honey ❤ ☎ 347-3995098 - 21
(Northern Virginia, Vienna/Tysons Corner/Fairfax, Incall xo)
NEW ✲ ————— ASIAN ————— HOT————— GIRL ————— ✲ NEW - 21
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria =========== Rt.1 - 495)
((NEW)) °*ஐ*° F L A W L E S S *ஐ*° B E A U T Y *ஐ*° ((LAST DAy)) - 21
(Incall Tysons Corner/Falls Church)
+ ... + Incalls Up LATE BeAuTiFuL Latina bOmbShELL NEW! + ... + LaSt 2 days! ! - 25
(Cleveland, Airport Area ~ right off highway 71)
IM WAITING for you ARE you ready for me ........OUTCALL SPECIALS - 27
____________ ____________ ---------____ Mmmmmmm Yummy ____ --------- ____________ ____________ - 31
(Northern Virginia, ___________ INCALLS/OUTCALLS ___________)
***NATURAL*** 36DD-36-40!! Busty ... Big Booty ... Brunette Delight! {Great INCALL Rates!} - 23
(Chantilly Fairfax Centerville, Northern Virginia)
iM BaCk bY PoPuLAr DeMaNd... visiting INdEpEnDeNcE ~ A bEaUtIfUl BlOnDe BaRbIe ((150)) SpEcIaLs - 22
N e w __ I n __ T o w n _____ A S I A N ... H O T T I E ___ A v a i l a b l e __ N o w ! - 22
(Northern Virginia, Outcalls MD VA DC ___ No Location)
▓ G ▓ O ▓ R ▓ G ▓ E ▓ O ▓ U ▓ S ▓ __________ ________ ▓ C ▓ A ▓ N ▓ A ▓ D ▓ I ▓ A ▓ N ▓ !~!~! - 21
( G I R L ) °°★°° (_ NEXT _) °°★°° ( DOOR ) Blon DE freA kk yy Party Girl - 22
(Northern Virginia, Chantilly OUTS 24/7)
FULL Body Erotic Massage W Sexy Caramel Vixen! Avl Now!! Outcall Only! - 26
(Northern Virginia, Lansdowne, Ashburn,Leesburg)
💎💎💎✔️✔️【FuN SiZeD EXoTic GoDDeSS】▬ 【HIGHLY SKILLED!】ViSiTiNG✔️✔️💎💎💎 - 22
(Northern Virginia, Tysons corner)
EAST INDIAN Girl of your dreams .............. - 21
(Northern Virginia, Outcallls Only VA .. DC .. MD..)
😘Come meet the sweetest thing known to mankind❗ 💕 - CANDY🍬I'm Bi♥ 📞 - IN & Outs South shore area 💋🍬 - 19
(South Shore, 😘😉 6175864400 📞❗- South Shore)
*¨¨*Eperience The Be$t Ro$e **$pecial*** ... EbOnY'*¨¨* !!!! - 22
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Independence Area)
Bisexual & Kinky down for good times! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
!! BrAnD nEw GirL !! *¨¨* ? .:*¨¨* ? GorGeouS BomBsHeLL ?*¨¨*:. ? .:*¨¨* ReaDy FoR AcTioN !! - 22
(MenToR aREa)
&&&& OUTCALL 202-787-3906 &&&& Chinese ** NEW HOT BODY ** Asian New Arrived **``` - 23
(District Of Columbia, Outcall Only)
*-*-ALL Night @*50-'* -*100*-130- *SPECIALS *-* Relax EnJoY - 20
☆ ☆ B E A U T I F U L ☆ ☆ B R U N E T T E ☆ ☆ B A B E ☆ ☆ - 23
(Southern Maryland, OUTCALLS ALL OVER)
> L {✰} {✰} K >Be AuTiFuL ♥ LATINA ♥ MAsS E uSe - 23
(Herndon/267 Toll rd(Dulles) /IN~OUTcaLL)
❤️❤️❤️Amazing Reviews! 1OO Specisl! 💋 American Brunette Barbie Visiting 💋 34DD & Bubble Booty❤️❤️❤️ - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tyson's Corner INCALL)
♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. SeXy SnOw ♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. PhAt AzzZZ ♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. OutCallZ onLy♥♡♥♡.. ♥♡♥♡.. azzzz ♥♡♥♡. - 25
(Tuscaloosa, T~town)
70$ SpEciALs! SexZZ PiCs! CuM HaVe A BLAsT!! 100$ SpEciALs! EYE CaNdY!!!! Umm!Limited time !! - 21
$60/80/140- REAL BEAUTY @ It's FINNEST ★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD ♚♡♚ 1000% REAL OR FREE ♛★♛★ E_Y_E_ CANDY! - 20
(Cleveland, 4 STAR In Call/Out Calls Welcomed!!!!!)
....Oh So Satisfying ( A Colombian Princess ) OutCalls & Upscale INcaLL - 24
(Tuscaloosa, Upscale/IN&OUT;)